Tuesday, May 18, 2004

To the other side of this is the debate on tv right now as Madame Sonia Gandhi indicated she would not like to be PM. The lowest levels the Congressmen would stoop to prove their loyalty to her is pathetic. They are fighting it out by putting the pride of the country and the people behind. Comments like 'India will become a terrorist country', 'India sarvanaash ho jaayega agar aap nahi aaye to'. First of all i dont understand y should the privated meeting of the Congress Parlimentary Party be wired live across the country.One just couldnt sit to hear all this.. Cant something be done about all this.. Cant all these parties the Congress , the Left who are just making a big tamaasha out there be brought to book. First they drive the investors crazy with reckless irresponsible statements about the markets and they play around to win political mileage just to elect a PM.. Well this is not to say other parties are any behind.. Well they have turned running a great country to a harakiri..
Perhaps never b4 would most of us have felt so passionate about all this happening to our MotherLand..

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